The workshops you have come to love from GreenUR have unfortunately come to an end for the school year. Don’t fret though, they’ll start up again in September, but in the meantime we have our Innovation and Research Campaign during the months of June-August which can earn you 12 volunteer hours (4 per month).
The essence of our campaign as follows:
- Make a splash and aid in environmental preservation by researching an issue that pertains to any of the themes GreenUR has covered in our workshops (e.g., Fast Fashion/ Greenwashing, All Things Food, The E in Waste), and propose a novel solution for it. The solution can take the form of an app, tool, technology, etc. This is where you will exercise your creative freedom. What will you think of?
- Individually or in groups of 4 (gr. 9/10 or gr. 11/12), create an initial rough report and pitch the idea to us in 2-5 min.
- Throughout the months of June and July, continue working on your project and devise a scientific report (hypothesis, design, tests, etc.). We want you to work on this as if it’s for a science fair. There will be two check-in “workshops” at the end of each month where we will monitor your progress, and provide any support if needed. 1-on-1 sessions will also be available on a first come first serve basis.
- The final 20 min project presentation will occur in August, and students will receive varying rewards depending on their level of excellence. Additionally, students who display an exemplary level will also receive a Certification of Excellence.
If you have any questions about this or want to learn more, please do not hesitate to reach out.

In addition to the 2 volunteer hours you can receive from attending our upcoming monthly virtual workshop, we have multiple post-workshop activities that can earn you more hours. The deadline for these activities is a day before our next workshop. In this case, it is March 25th.
Some ongoing activities we have are below:
- Scavenger Hunt [1 volunteer hour] – The purpose of this is to help you identify if you can reduce the number of appliances that are in your home. We do this by categorizing the appliance, whether it can be recycled or repurposed, and whether it is necessary for your home. Find the chart here.
- Create a TikTok or Instagram Reel [1 volunteer for 1 TikTok/Reel to a maximum of 3 volunteer hours for 3+ TikToks/Reels] – Use what you learned in the workshop to create a short and creative video.
- Present Your Research [2 volunteer hours] – Do some of your own research and present it in a way that makes sense to you. This could be in a report, poster, video, artwork, animation, etc. Be as creative as you want!